Sunday, April 23, 2023

Meant To Be

I really think the expression I've heard most in the last 10 years is IT IS WHAT IT IS.

It Is What It Is.

It's Meant To Be.

Meh it is what it is what are you going to do about it?

I believe it too. It's an easy explanation that works for just about everything.


This is wrong.

Ultimately, it's what comes next that's important.

The older you get and the longer you go you truly understand that it's more about perspective.

It is what it is, Jack. Now what are you gonna do about it?

The critical juncture is when you move from:

Meant to be 


Moment to Be


It is what it is 


It Is What I Say It Is



Life is filled with questions.
In your twenties it's how can I make a name for myself how can I meet someone
How can I start a family maybe

In your thirties it's I'm not a kid anymore I need to take this more seriously

40s are the first time you cross the threshold
Am I on track? Have I accomplished my goals? Is this all there is?

But 50 is when you start asking yourself the big questions.
Why am I here? What is my true purpose?

And then all of that changes when you're faced with a terminal illness.

The news is blue (the news is blue)
Has its own way to get to you (ooh)
What can I do (what can I do?)
I'll not remember my time with you


Everyone is looking to your reaction, Everyone wants to see how you process things.

So Maybe That's Why I Was Put On This Earth In The First Place


This is why I choose to be positive.

Choose to be positive.

Make no mistake positivity is a choice, it's work, it doesn't come easy.

You know it don't come easy.

But what do people today, more than ever, want and need? 

Especially from you, as you face the toughest challenge in your life?


You need it too. It's for them.

And it's for you.

Everyone thinks the time they live in is the worst they've ever seen, and for those of us who've been through Covid and maybe 9/11 we might be right.

It is what it is


And so friend I say to you:

I am not sad
I am not lost
I am not down

I am filled with joy
I have a purpose
I am lifted up by the love of my friends


Chemotherapy is man-made;  As is its only known antidote.

The love of your friends, the support of your family, the bond with your aunt, the selfless sacrifice of your sister, hearing from someone you haven't heard from in a long time, the cascade of little things that suddenly mean everything.

**These are also things (hopefully) that don't cause diarrhea, hair loss, and neuropathy.


When you start to look at things more positively, you also notice that you get invited to a lot more events.

My second cousin's best friend's ex-girlfriend is having a poker game Saturday night what do you think?
-Everyone really wants to see you you should go.


Chemotherapy training is Tuesday at 3:00.

I already feel like maybe I learned a few things.

my current location below

a bout me

For my sister...I'll always miss you too.


  1. Love you Aunt Shell I ran out of emojis after this one.

    1. Would also like to thank my editor Moses
      Yes that Moses
      He likes poop emojis
